Opinion Page
Ah, FINALLY a space of my own!! (Not much of one but...what're you gonna do?)


(Or get my own website...no I'll just stick with this).

If you couldn't have guessed already,the blue print means ME, The Sister. Cheezy name yes, but serious none the less. Either that, or you can call me by my other name, Beta Genius. Anyway, this page will mostly consist of Q&A (question and answer) that you're probably asking yourself as you serch through the website. Well, enough of my talking, on with the page!

Questions pertaining to the backgrounds of stories: Look, I didn't exactly want to type in all 'br' fonts since I had to put it in notepad. A 44 paged story gets long after a while, you see what I'm saying? Alright then.

Questions relating to Future Trunks:
Now you may ask, "Why the heck do I use Trunks the most? He ain't that good of a character."
Well, unfortunately for all you who think the second part...TOO FRICKIN' BAD! Mostly everyone I know thinks he's the best thing that's happened to DBZ, (mostly girls...including myself, hehe), so there. Also, the reason why I use him so much is because he's the only one who doesn't have a story behind him. I mean, he shows up in the Android/Cell saga, and then never comes back. I mean, what's up with that? But it's also a good thing, 'cause you never find out what happens after he defeats the Androids. So, the perfect canadate!

Questions relating to all the other characters:
Why, you may ask, didn't I use them so much? Well, didn't feel like it. At least I used them, for cryin' out loud! I could've just killed them off in the first story, but no, I was nice! Besides, what's a story without the main character Goku, the younger self of Trunks, (for a funny addtion, including Gohan and such), and the most lovable character of all, Vegeta. Ya just can't have a story without him duking it out with the new addition, now can you?

Question about the Lemirens and their whacked up names:
Okay, I can understand about the names. But seriously, isn't Lemiren a cool name?... (Don't answer that for all of you who were gonna say no). Clef seems like a reasonable name, right? Of course it is! It's been used in like...well I don't know how many different stories, but it's a pretty big number. (However, we gave him our own little self by naming him Clef Diamond! Ha, probably didn't see that one coming!) Anyway, relating to the other two names...Neobli, well, my friend came up with that one a very long time ago in the fifth grade. Vadolla's my own work, though, and it's the crazest one of them all!


Oh, ahem, sorry. Got carried away with that for a sec. But I hate it, absolutley HATE it when people miss pronounce it. The right way is "Vuh-dall-uh", not "Vuh-doll-uh". I know, the middle part is confusing, but whenever you come to it just remember a 'glass doll', 'cause the 'doll' is how you pronounce it.

Now, as for the confusion with the times:
Well, I know you're all wondering if you've read the Fanfic, (which I hope you have...) What ever happened to all those other charaters that are relavent? (ie, Videl, Pan, you know who I mean.) Especially in the sixth story. What happened to them? Well, to fill in the blanks Videl was off finishing school, (college, you could say) and so was Pan. Why they weren't so broken up about it, I don't know. It's DBZ for cryin' out loud, the only dramtic parts when a person dies takes about two episodes to get over, and do you know how many pages that would take? And besides, I mentioned Pan in the Sixth story anyway. What was the whole thing about the two Trunks huh? I thought it kind of odd myself that Trunks hit Trunks, but that's just me.

...If I think of anything more I'll put it in...

Oh, by the way. If you got time, check out fanfiction.net if you REALLY love fanfiction of anything. You can post original stories too! So yeah...that's pretty much it...